
Money Management

PACE (Parent & Consumer Education) Life moves at a quick pace! PACE has two components: KidSmart and MoneyWise. Classes are designed to help parents gain parenting and money management skills through multi-sessions,…

Money Management

PACE (Parent & Consumer Education) Life moves at a quick pace! PACE has two components: KidSmart and MoneyWise. Classes are designed to help parents gain parenting and money management skills…

Fall Armyworms

Control in Pastures: Active Ingredient Trade Name(s) Notes Chlorantraniliprole Prevathon (10 oz/acre) Vantacor (0.9 oz)Besiege (6 oz) Good control & up to 14 days residual. Methoxyfenozide Intrepid 2F 4 oz…

Information & Forms TAFCE Central Region Website TAFCE Website Coffee County Clubs Club Date & Time Location Asbury 2nd Thursday at 1 P.M. Asbury Methodist Church Manchester 1st Wednesday at…